Clifftops-Retreat Hospitality dogs - Pebbles and Frankie

Welcome to our world. Our names are Pebbles and Frankie and we live at Clifftops-Retreat ( our mum Anne and dad Bob. We are not mere working dogs, we mastered the art of hospitality. We will update you on our daily lives and chores and love to hear from you. All the best and woof woof! Pebs (to her friends) and Frankie (also fluffy bush tail)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gorgeous new outfits

Hi all,

what an exciting night we had.....Mum put on a dinner for her friend Clare, she is Karmas mum, and it was a lovely surprise to see that Karma and Kizzy came too. There was a lot of sniffing and playing going on, I can tell you. Our other friend Katja, a German shepherd, was also invited. She is a good old girl and we always have a good time together. Anyway, her Dad Dennis had been to a place far far away.....I think they call it the USA.....and on his travels he came across those most beautiful outfits for us all. They are like little Bandanas which you pull through the collar and don't we look swish in them?! (see photo!) I am now also called Sparkles... :-) and Frankie is called Checkers. Kizzy and Karma got a sort of Tiger/ Leopard outfit....gosh he did look handsome...I could have eaten him right there and then. The golden/orange colour does go very well with his beautiful shiny black fur. But I am sure he thought I looked gorgeous too.
Anyway...only 2 hours till dinner...I better do some more resting and relaxing.....only just had a run around with Katja and Frankie in the garden.
Woofie Woof, Pebbsie Sparkle

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cabin fewer

Hi all,'s been one of those days.....mostly inside because it's still raining! But we might sneak in a little walkies around the property......looks like it's clearing a little.
But I forgot to tell you that my boyfriend ask me to come on a romantic walk with me the other day....well romantic....we ate grass together and did a lot of sniffing on Rabbit Island. Frankie and Kizzy were also there. They are just so alike.....not much drive, I'd say. Karma agreed. But it was still a lovely time out and I hope Karma's feet are okay.....after all he is getting on a bit....not that I notice though. :-) To me he is still a spring chicken! And he does smell nice to. I tried to put on some special perfume for him too. But my mum disagreed. She said horsepoo is not that great a smell....what does she know!!!!
Anyway I see dad lurking and only little drops of rain now, not buckets I better be off.....
Woofie woof Pebbsie, bored!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Pebbsie here again......what looked like a promising weekend ended up being not that exciting after all......the boyfriend never came..... :-(..... but maybe this week I will get to go on an outing with him. I better go and snuggle up with Frankie....woofie woof, Pebbsie

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Exciting Weekend

Hi all,

Frankie here today....and NO, I am not always sleeping.

Pebbsie told me the good news today.....we have our beloved friends Kizzy and Karma coming over tomorrow night. I bet you it will be a great party!!! Wonder if Karma is going to wear his fancy shoes?! I will post a nice video of Kizzy trying them's hilarious.
And on Sunday we are all invited to some new friends for a picnic and allowed to roam on the new property. Shame Jackson and Katja aren't going to make it. So all in all a busy weekend for us socializing.
I better make sure I get enough sleep beforehand, so nighty night,
Frankie signing off

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Famous dogs!

Hi All,

hope your German is good.....just wanted to let you all know that we are famous....we were filmed by a German film crew, a while ago.....don't we look beautiful....I think the camera man was smitten with us and totally fell in love with us.
By the way....I know my mum went to my boyfriends place today....I could sniff his beautiful perfume on her clothes....but I am not talking to her at the moment...because she didn't take me!!! And I know Karma would have run to the car to check if I was there........oh......I just miss him......mum please take me next time!!!!
Ah and Frankie is sleeping of course!


hallo Deutschland

Monday, May 3, 2010

Working hard in the garden

Phew....I think I need some rest....I helped my mum and dad digging in the garden, even Frankie helped....and blimey that clay is as hard as concrete.....I am surprised my mum and dad are still upright!!! But they put some nice new trees in for us to lay under in the summertime....hmmmm...dosing off in the shade and thinking about bones or rabbits.....hmmmmm, perfect.
My mum is currently feeding the ducks and chucks next door. She even takes me occasionally....unfortunately I have to stay in the car, but I tell you, my mouth waters seeing all those duckies waddling towards me.
Oh I think I better leave because my mum is going to start cooking in the kitchen and if I give her one of my cutest looks, I might even get a little tidbit!
So woofie woof and nighty night, Pebbsie signing off.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Me watching the grass grow
Do you think he is to big to go into my mouth?
well I did outgrew him eventually
my first and I am sad to say last time in mum and dad's bed
My mum and me....I think I posted that already but I just love her so much...

What is cuddly, soft and furry and black?

Me and my mum and uncle Pete
Uncle Pete, sideways, he is a bit that way...:-)
Auntie Clare, she liked to sniff me....not anymore though!!!
Me and a little bit of my mum
me and my dad

No it's not my boyfriend Karma.....but....hurray mum and dad went out yesterday to by us some new cuddly blankets to sleep on. Dad got annoyed at our forever leaking beanbags!!! And I must say I shed a tear or two when they were thrown out (my dad is very good at that!) but the new blankies made me forget about it all. :-) Frankie only just tried hers out this morning but I had a top notch sleep on both of them, first at my dads side and then my mum's.
Anyway, we farewelled the guests yesterday and I personally helped with the clean up......I made sure the toilet paper rolls get recycled. Frankie and Kizzy and Karma love them too.
Now I am still trying to find our new comments we had gotten....must ask mum where I can see them....I am all excited!
I also heard that some of you really liked my baby here are a few more of me.....sorry we haven't got any of Frankie since she came to us when she was already all grown up.
Nice and sunny here this morning and I hope Mum and Dad will take us for a nice Walkies again. Yesterday we enjoyed the beach at the Kumaras in Motueka and on Saturday we went to one of our favourite spots at Eves Valley....a eautiful bushwalk with a little stream to play in and lots of sniffing to be done....beautiful.
Woofie woof Pebbs and you guessed it Frankie is sleeping!