Clifftops-Retreat Hospitality dogs - Pebbles and Frankie

Welcome to our world. Our names are Pebbles and Frankie and we live at Clifftops-Retreat ( our mum Anne and dad Bob. We are not mere working dogs, we mastered the art of hospitality. We will update you on our daily lives and chores and love to hear from you. All the best and woof woof! Pebs (to her friends) and Frankie (also fluffy bush tail)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Exciting Weekend

Hi all,

Frankie here today....and NO, I am not always sleeping.

Pebbsie told me the good news today.....we have our beloved friends Kizzy and Karma coming over tomorrow night. I bet you it will be a great party!!! Wonder if Karma is going to wear his fancy shoes?! I will post a nice video of Kizzy trying them's hilarious.
And on Sunday we are all invited to some new friends for a picnic and allowed to roam on the new property. Shame Jackson and Katja aren't going to make it. So all in all a busy weekend for us socializing.
I better make sure I get enough sleep beforehand, so nighty night,
Frankie signing off

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